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Father’s Day Special

Father’s Day Special

Sunday, June 21st, 2020

Discover Mallory Square this Father’s Day for only $3 per person! Our Father’s Day Special includes a whole day of family fun adventures beginning with a tour of Key West!

Pick up your ticket at any of the attractions or tour depots.
Dad must have proof of Monroe County residency: driver’s license, voter’s registration, etc.

Your day includes

Take a Tour of Key West by Trolley or Train:

Mallory Square Trolley Stop #1
In front of the Sponge Market next to the Aquarium. Near the corner of David Wolkowsky and Wall Street.
Mallory Square Train Stop A
Front Street DepotOn the corner of Greene St. & Front St.

Enjoy Free Admission to 3 of our favorite attractions

Located by Mallory Square

Key West Aquarium

Located by Mallory Square

Shipwreck Treasures Museum

Located in Truman Annex

Truman Little White House


*Limits may be imposed due to over demand. Sponsoring child must have a father or guardian as accompanying guest and be under 21 years of age. Must be a resident of Monroe County and dad needs proof of residency.